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Building a Strong Brand: Stand Out and Sustain Success

This article in our guest blog series is from James Ewin, Managing Creative Director for Bristol-based challenger brand agency, ORCA. James discusses 5 tips for small print businesses to build their brand and differentiate themselves in the competitive personalisation and customisation market.

With so many options available to customers, the key to success for many small printing businesses lies in the quality of your work and how effectively you can differentiate yourself from the competition. Building a strong brand is essential to achieving this differentiation, ensuring that your business is memorable, trustworthy, and consistently attracting a steady flow of work.

A well-defined brand not only communicates what you do but also why you do it, and it resonates with your target audience on a deeper level. By adopting a challenger brand mindset of brevity, personality and agility, you can position your printing business as a unique player in the market. Here are five key tips for building a strong brand that can help you achieve long-term success.

1. Define Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

A red wooden figure with a rope tied around it

Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP), otherwise known as Unique Selling Proposition (USP), is the cornerstone of your brand. It’s what sets you apart from the competition and tells potential customers why they should choose your printing services over others. To define your UVP, consider what makes your business unique. Is it your exceptional customer service, your expertise in a specific niche, or perhaps your use of cutting-edge technology? Whatever it is, make sure it’s clear and prominently communicated across all your branding materials.

For example, if your printing business specialises in eco-friendly printing solutions, your UVP could focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility. By consistently highlighting this in your branding, you attract customers who value these principles and are willing to pay a premium for them.

2. Create a Strong Visual Identity

A close up of a person's eye

In the printing industry, where the visual appeal of your work is so significant, having a strong visual identity is essential. Your visual identity is the first impression customers have of your brand, and it plays a crucial role in conveying the quality and professionalism of your printing services.

As a small printing business, your expertise lies in bringing designs to life, so your own brand’s visual elements should be a testament to the standards you uphold. Your logo, colour scheme, typography, and overall design aesthetic need to reflect the essence of your brand and the quality you promise to deliver. This doesn’t just apply to your marketing materials but everything you produce – your website, social media, corporate stationery and the tone of voice you use throughout.

Your brand’s visual identity should set you apart and signal to potential customers that you understand the importance of design and presentation. A strong, consistent visual identity helps build trust, making your brand more recognisable and memorable in a crowded marketplace. It tells customers that you don’t just print; you create, and that you care deeply about the visual impact of everything you produce.

3. Develop a Compelling Brand Story

In today’s marketplace, customers are looking for more than products or services, they’re looking for connections. After all, people buy from people. A compelling brand story can help you build this connection by giving your brand a human element that customers can relate to. Your brand story should explain the “why” behind your business, detailing your journey, values, and what drives you to do what you do. Be as open and as vulnerable as you wish. People gravitate to real stories and true personalities.

For instance, if your printing business was started on a shoestring as a family-owned company with a passion for craftsmanship, make this story a central part of your branding. Share it on your website, social media, and in your marketing campaigns and spin it in different formats to drive engagement. By doing so, you not only differentiate yourself from competitors but also build a loyal customer base that feels personally connected to your brand.

4. Adopt a Challenger Brand Mindset

In a crowded market, thinking like a challenger brand can give you a competitive edge. A challenger brand is one that’s not afraid to go against the grain, innovate, and take risks to stand out. This mindset involves challenging the status quo, being bold in your branding efforts, and finding creative ways to engage with your audience.

Take inspiration from companies who’ve been on a similar journey to you and have succeeded in doing so. Look at other brands that have embraced the challenger mindset by focusing on differentiation through innovation and bold marketing strategies. For your printing business, this could mean offering unique services that others don’t, such as personalised customer consultations, or launching a guerilla marketing campaign in your local area to grab attention on a budget. The key is to be daring and not settle for simply following industry norms.

5. Build and Nurture Customer Relationships

A close-up of hands shaking

A strong brand is not just about attracting new customers – it’s also about building and nurturing long-term relationships with existing ones. Loyal customers are more likely to return for repeat business and refer your services to others, providing you with a consistent flow of work.

To build these relationships, focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences. This can be achieved through personalised service, quick and effective communication, and consistently delivering high-quality work. Additionally, consider implementing a customer loyalty program or offering special discounts for repeat customers. Regularly engage with your customers through email newsletters, social media, or even direct mail to keep your brand top of mind and maintain strong connections.

Conclusion: The Power of a Strong Brand

A strong brand is your greatest asset. It’s what makes your business stand out and helps you attract and retain customers over the long term. Remember, building a strong brand is not a one-time effort – it’s an ongoing process that requires consistent attention and adaptation. But with the right approach, your brand can become a powerful tool that drives your business toward sustained success and growth.

Embrace the challenge, innovate, and let your brand speak about the quality and uniqueness of your services. In doing so, you’ll create a lasting impression that keeps customers coming back, ensuring your business prospers in the ever-evolving market.

For more information on what it takes to be a successful challenger brand, check out this article by ORCA.

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