Roland DG Blog
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Find your purple cow

Nearly every industry active today is facing the same basic issue: how can you make your new and existing products stand out in an already overcrowded market space? One answer can be found in Seth Godin’s Purple Cow. He urges businesses to redefine what they sell, not how they sell it by creating truly remarkable products that are actually worth talking about. And he believes you can find them, no matter what industry you’re working in.

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What is a RIP?

What is a RIP? The Raster Image Processor doesn't just send your graphics to the printer - it can have many other uses. Find out more in this article.

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Colourful printed graphic on the floor

Floor Graphics 101

Whether inside or outside, temporary or permanent, the ground beneath your feet is a blank canvas just waiting to be filled. Find out all you need to know in our beginner's guide.

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Print quality that appeals to all the senses: why Giken loves TrueVIS VG2-540

It's an exciting time for Japanese graphics businesses. The 2019 Rugby World Cup is fast approaching, to be followed swiftly by the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo next summer, meaning plenty of work associated with the events themselves as well as the upswing in tourist numbers. Signage, displays and graphics have to be of the absolute highest quality.

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