Roland DG and BWT Alpine F1® Team Are Looking for Europe's Next Best Car Wrapper

Terms & Conditions

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Roland DG Wrap Academy - Competition Terms and Conditions

1. This competition (the “Competition”) is organised and run by Roland DG (UK) Limited a company incorporated in England and Wales (company number 04339715) whose registered address is Dominions House, Lime Kiln Close, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, BS34 8SR, United Kingdom (the “Promoter”).

2.1. To participate in this Competition individuals (“Participants”) must satisfy the following conditions:
2.1.1. Be a resident of an EEA country or the UK
2.1.2. Be aged 18 years old or over at the time of entry.
2.2. This Competition is not open to:
2.2.1. Employees of the Promoter.
2.2.2. Any group company or subcontractor of the Promoter.
2.2.3. Anyone professionally connected with this Competition.
2.2.4. Employees working at the Promoter’s competitors
2.2.5. members of the immediate families or households of those listed above in this Clause 2.2.
2.3. In entering the competition, each Participant confirms that they are eligible to do so and eligible to claim any prize they may win. The Promoter may require a Participant to provide proof that they are eligible to enter the competition.

4. The Competition is skill-based and requires the Participant to submit (i) up to two examples (videos and/or images) of their vehicle wrapping work that they’re proud of; and (ii), in no more than 150 written words, why they think they are Europe’s next wrap star. The Participant must also include their name, address including country of residence and links to all of their business’ (own business or place of work featuring vehicles they have wrapped) and live social channels. Attendance at the Wrap Academy is limited to 10 spaces only. Attendance at one of the most iconic motorsport events, taking place in Las Vegas on Sunday 24th November 2024. for the grand prize winner, is limited to 1 winner only.

4.1. The information above must be uploaded to the Roland DG’s website and competition entry page at (the "Campaign Website Page").

Entry is made online on the Roland DG Campaign Website Page. Eligible Entrants will be asked to submit up to two examples of vehicle wrapping work they are proud of (video or images) (“Entry”) and complete the entry form providing the Promoter with the following information: contact details (name of individual, name of owned car wrapping business or place of work, live social media links showcasing car wrapping work, address, phone and email address). Participants must then agree to be bound by these terms when they tick the box to agree to the terms and click on the ‘Submit’ button. These terms are hosted on this web server

6. By entering the Competition any Participant who is invited to attend the Wrap Academy (up to 10 entrants) and/or wins the prize to attend one of the most iconic motorsport events, taking place in Las Vegas on Sunday 24th November 2024 with the BWT Alpine F1 Team (one winner only) agrees to participate in publicity and material resulting from the Competition if requested to do so by the Promoter and the Promoter reserves the right to use the details of the prize winner in any publicity and/or promotional material, including social media, worldwide and in perpetuity.

7.1. The Promoter reserves the right to request the original Video from the Participant. The Video(s) submitted by the Participant shall become the property of the Promoter, and the Promoter shall have no obligation to preserve, return ownership rights or otherwise make available to the Participant or others any Video(s).
7.2. The Participant hereby assigns to the Promoter all existing and future intellectual property rights of the Entry and all materials embodying such rights and irrevocably waives its statutory moral rights in the Entry to the fullest extent permitted by law. The participant undertakes, at the expense of the Promoter, to execute all documents, make all applications, give all assistance and do all acts and things as are necessary to vest the intellectual property rights in the Promoter.
7.3. All Entries submitted must be original, must have been created by the Participant submitting the creation and must not incorporate or include anything that is owned by any third party without their permission or that would require the additional consent of any third party. The Participant’s Entry must not violate any law or the copyright, trademark, publicity right, privacy right or any other right of any third party.

8.COMPETITION PERIOD. The Competition opens on 18th September 2024 and will close at 11.59 pm on 3rd October 2024 (“Competition Period”) after which the winners will be selected in accordance with the judging criteria set out in clause 12. Only entries received on or before the close of the Competition will be accepted without exception.
9. ENTRY LIMITS. The Competition is restricted to one Entry per Participant. No purchase is necessary. Any entries submitted by the same Participant in excess of one will be disqualified and only the first entry submitted by that Participant will qualify for entry in the Competition. Incomplete, illegal, misdirected or late Entries will not be accepted. Proof of sending will not be accepted as proof of delivery. The Promoter takes no responsibility for entries delayed, incomplete or lost due to technical reasons or otherwise.
10. CONTENT RESTRICTIONS. Entries must be appropriate for public display, posting on a public website and in marketing material. Entries must not be derogatory, offensive, threatening, defamatory, disparaging, libellous, slanderous or contain any content which is obscene, provocative or that violates the spirit of this Competition. The Promoter retains sole discretion to determine what constitutes inappropriate content and which entries it will post publicly. Participants acknowledge and agree that the Promoter shall have no obligation to post, display or otherwise make publicly available any Entry or information submitted by the Participant, and may, in its sole and unfettered discretion, remove, edit, modify or delete any Entry or information which the Participant submits. No correspondence will be entered into or justification given in this regard.

11.1. All qualifying entries submitted will be judged by a panel of the Promoter’s employees and agency partners after the Competition closing date. Entrants will be judged on the following criteria:
11.1.1. Your Story: in no more than 100 words, why you think you have what it takes to be Europe’s next best car wrapper.
11.1.2. Your Creativity & Skillset: how imaginative and skilled your car wrapping example/s is/are.
11.1.3. Your Enthusiasm: how you share and convey your story.
11.2. The judges’ decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into. Full names of the judges are available on request.

12.PRIZE WINNERS. Judges will choose 10 runners’ up to attend the Wrap Academy and one winner for the Grand Prize to be crowned Europe’s next best car wrapper and attend one of the most iconic motorsport events, taking place in Las Vegas on Sunday 24th November 2024 with the BWT Alpine F1 Team, as described in clause 13 below.

The prizes include the following:
13.1. Runner’s Up Prize - Wrap Academy Attendance:
13.2. An overnight stay for up to 10 Participants to attend the Alpine F1 Technology Centre in Oxfordshire, UK including the following:
13.2.1. 1 night accommodation for each winner in a 4-star hotel in a twin/double room (winner to specify) with en-suite facilities and inclusive of breakfast.
13.2.2. If the winner is an EEA resident then 1 additional night’s accommodation will be provided due to the longer time spent travelling from further afield.
13.3. The Runners Up Prize description above constitutes the expected itinerary and details, and all aspects thereof are subject to availability and subject to change. The winners will be provided with additional details before the time of travel.
13.4. Grand Prize: A trip to Las Vegas, USA for the winner including a stay in the same hotel as the BWT Alpine F1 team’s wrap crew.
13.4.1. Round trip economy airfare for winner to Las Vegas, USA and a round trip ground transportation for winner from the Harry Reid International Airport, Las Vegas, USA to the pre-booked hotel with a 4* rating close to the motorsport event..
13.4.2. Accommodation for the winner at a 4 star hotel in a twin/double room (winner to specify) with en-suite facilities and inclusive of breakfast and transport to and from the motorsport event.
13.4.3. Attendance at one of the most iconic motorsport events, taking place in Las Vegas on Sunday 24th November 2024 with the BWT Alpine F1 Team, including joining the car wrapping team for to gain hands-on and shadowing experience of car wrapping during a race week and weekend.
13.5. The Grand Prize description above constitutes the expected itinerary and details, and all aspects thereof are subject to availability and subject to change. The winner will be provided with additional details before the time of travel..
13.6. The Grand Prize and the Wrap Academy Attendance Prize are subject to the following conditions:
13.6.1. Passengers must be able to travel and must hold valid passports and any necessary visas and travel documents such that they are lawfully able to travel to the relevant prize destinations.
13.6.2. Travel is subject to availability and embargos and is at the discretion of the Promoter.
13.6.3. Must include a minimum 1night stay at the hotel.
13.6.4. If flying, departure airport used will depend on the flight availability from the winner’s nearest international airports, which may not necessarily be the closest.
13.6.5. The carriers and hotel are responsible for the quality of the trip and any delays..
13.7. Any costs or expenses associated with the acceptance and use of any Competition prizes are the sole responsibility of the winner, including, but not limited to travel insurance, travel to and from home airport, any purchases, taxes, gratuities, telephone and internet access costs, any costs or damages relating to accommodation, spending money, food and drink, or other costs that are incidental to the fulfilment of the prize.

14. NOTIFICATION OF WINNERS. Winners of the Wrap Academy will be notified by email by 15 October 2024. Winners must reply to the Promoter within 72 hours to claim the prize. If despite reasonable efforts of the Promoter contact cannot be made and/or a response is not received by [21] October 2024 the winner forfeits the prize, which may then be awarded to an alternative winner at the judge’s discretion.

15. PRIZE WINNERS. The Promoter is obliged to either publish or make available information that indicates that a valid award took place. To comply with this each winner’s surname and location (county/state and country) will be published on the Promotion Website. Details of the prize winners will be available on request by sending a request to ‘Roland DG Wrap Academy Competition', Dominions House, Lime Kiln Close, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, BS34 8SR, United Kingdom.

16. The prizes are as described, non-transferable, not exchangeable for cash and no cash alternative will be offered in the event that the winner is unable to claim or use the prize for any reason.

17. If the advertised prizes are not available for any reason, the Promoter reserves the right to offer an alternative prize of equal or greater value.

18. By entering this Competition, Participants acknowledge that they have read, understood, accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and by the decision of the Promoter in relation to all matters relating to the Competition, whose decision shall be final (no correspondence shall be entered into).

19. PRIVACY. For the avoidance of doubt any personal data relating to Participants will be used solely in accordance with applicable data protection legislation and will not be disclosed to a third party (but may be transferred to a group company of the Promoter) without the individual’s prior consent. Information collated by the Promoter through the administration of this Competition may be used to provide the Participant with information relating to Promoter products and services. Please read Roland’s policy at for full details of how the Promoter may use any personal information it collects about Participants.

20. CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION. Use by an otherwise Eligible Entrant of false information such as a name, Entity name, address or other activity or any other failure to comply with these terms and conditions will lead to disqualification. The Promoter reserves the right to require any Eligible Entrant to provide documentary proof of Entity identity and activities to its satisfaction before being eligible to claim any prize. By submitting the entry in the Competition, the Participant represents and warrants that it is the Participant’s sole original work and/or that the Participant has obtained any and all consents, releases, approvals or licenses required for the submission of the Participants entry and complies with all of these terms and conditions, including obtaining the written consent of all third parties, where applicable.

21. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by any Participant entering the Competition or as a result of accepting the prize. The Promoter is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software failure of any email or entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet, telephone lines or at any website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to the Participants or any other person's computer or mobile telephone related to or resulting from participation in the Competition. The Promoter will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever caused by matters relating to the Competition. Nothing shall exclude the Promoter’s liability for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or for any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited by applicable law.

22. Events may occur that render the Competition itself or the awarding or the delivery of any prize impossible due to reasons beyond the control of the Promoter and accordingly the Promoter may at its absolute discretion vary or amend the Competition and the Participant agrees that no liability shall attach to the Promoter as a result thereof. Any such variation or amendment will be notified on the Promotion Website.

23.The Competition and these terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales and are subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

24. This agreement is drafted in the English language. If this agreement is translated into any other language, the English language text shall prevail.

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